Pixie, paraplegic cat who found a haven at Tabby’s Place in Ringoes

This spring, three paraplegic cats in Kansas needed a tornado of tenderness.

Different circumstances left Tigger, Linda and Pixie paralyzed. Tabby Tigger was six years old when his back was fractured in an accident, leaving him paralyzed, and his owner brought him to the Great Plains (Kansas) SPCA. Despite losing his family and the use of his legs, Tigger never shed his sweet, charming spirit.

Tiny Pixie, a puff of pumpkin-colored fluff, was found beneath a mobile home with a projectile lodged in her spine. Someone in the park had been using stray cats and kittens for target practice, and Pixie was permanently paralyzed. Undaunted, the wild-haired youngster yearned for playtime and love.

Finally there was Linda, who arrived at the SPCA as a tiny kitten. With no obvious wounds, it was unclear whether Linda had been born injured or paralyzed by trauma. She showed no signs of frustration, happily paddling with her hind legs to maneuver and play – especially when her favorite laser pointer came out.

Despite the shelter staff’s boundless love and heroic efforts, no homes could be found for the cats. As a public shelter, the SPCA was approaching critical capacity. They ached to provide Tigger, Linda and Pixie with the care they needed …but limited space and funds meant the cats’ time was limited. If the shelter couldn’t find a yellow brick road out, Linda, Pixie and Tigger would be euthanized on June 1st.

Fortunately, ruby slippers come in tiny paw sizes.

Full of brains, heart and courage, the Great Plains SPCA contacted Tabby’s Place: a Cat Sanctuary, 1,170 miles east in Ringoes, New Jersey. Tabby’s Place was known worldwide for taking in “broken” cats who no one else could or would handle…could it possibly be the home for three feline adventurers?

The SPCA team hoped Tabby’s Place might be able to save one of the cats. But, through the happiest series of events, Tabby’s Place was able to provide a haven for all three. On Sunday, May 21st, Pixie, Tigger and Linda made the journey east, with their devoted Kansas friends at their side to protect them from any lions, tigers or bears.

Although the Kansas cats have been at Tabby’s Place a short time, all three have snuggled into love with stellar speed. Tabby’s Place staff members have adopted Linda and Tigger, and Pixie has found her haven at the sanctuary. Since Tabby’s Place has adopted out paralyzed cats before, the sanctuary has hope that this courageous kitty will have one last stop on her journey: a forever home.

In the meantime, she has a loving home at Tabby’s Place for as long as she needs. The Tabby’s Place staff will gently express her bladder and bowels daily, and is exploring options for physical therapy and a mobility cart.

Since caring for cats like Pixie is costly, Tabby’s Place seeks sponsors for her.

By sponsoring Pixie, donors can “virtually adopt” her. Tabby’s Place will send monthly updates and photos. Caring friends can sponsor Pixie at http://www.tabbysplace.org/SN_page.php?id=2299.

They’re not in Kansas anymore, but thanks to loving humans from the Great Plains to the great state of New Jersey, three paralyzed cats are perfectly safe and perfectly loved.

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