Looking for different things to do with the kids while being mindful to #stayhome? Aren’t we all. Here’s a calendar with some themes/things to do on each day from March 30 through April 5. Do a few, do them all. Let them inspire ideas that work for your children’s ages and interests. And be sure to check out some additional ideas and helpful links with fun activities and educational websites at the end.

Monday, March 30:

It’s National Doctors Day, and if there’s ever been a year to celebrate these special people – this is it! In age appropriate ways, talk to your kids about how important doctors are right now and all they are doing to help people in our community stay healthy and get better.

If you have toddlers, take turns playing doctor. Here’s a link to free printables you can use in your pretend doctor’s office.

Write letters or make cards thanking local doctors. Mail them to your pediatrician or the local hospital.

If you have the skills/supplies, consider sewing face masks to donate to local doctors. Here’s a link to patterns. Or, you could donate to groups like ScarePros Halloween Shop in Levittown, who are using their vendor connections to order masks that will be donated to local hospitals. Find out more here.

Tuesday, March 31: 

The forecast is looking chilly and rainy, so chances are good that we’ll be stuck inside. How about making an epic fort? Get out your spare sheets, pull out any folding tables and chairs you have, and dedicate the morning to fort making. (Bonus points if you have battery operated lights that you can bring inside.)

Any activity becomes more fun when it’s done in a fort. Serve lunch on a blanket inside. Read stories. Bring in a bunch of pillows and watch a movie on the TV or iPad. Turn off all the other lights in the room and make shadow puppets on the sheet using a flashlight. (Here’s a link to tips on how to make shadow puppets with your hands. And here’s a free printable to puppets you can make with paper.)

Wednesday, April 1:

Go all out with April Fool’s Day this year – we could all use some light-hearted fun! If you have any joke books, get them out and take turns reading. If not, read through a list like the one linked here, or ask Alexa! If you have a few kids, task them with seeing who can come up with the funniest joke – let everyone vote on the favorite.

Play some harmless pranks – try to surprise the kids with some, but then you can also get them involved, too. They’ll get a kick out of FaceTiming friends and grandparents to show off creations like Poop Cookies!

Here are a few links to give you some ideas:

15 Harmless But Hilarious Pranks

11 Fun & Simple April Fool’s Day Pranks to Play On Your Kids

10 Family-Friendly April Fool’s Day Pranks

Thursday, April 2:

Dedicate the day to uncovering forgotten toys. This could mean finding missing pieces to toys you have, or rediscovering toys that aren’t played with often. Clean up the playroom. Look under all the furniture. Reunite your toys, and show the less played with toys some love. Often, kids play with the toys that are most accessible, forgetting about other toys that are either older or just not as convenient to get to. Breaking these toys out will seem exciting! (And if the kids STILL aren’t interested in playing with these toys, it’s time to start a “Donation” box.)

End the day with watching any of the Toy Story movies.

Friday, April 3:

It’s National Find a Rainbow Day! Many communities have been embracing the trend of putting rainbows in your window to remind people that there are happier days ahead. If you haven’t done so already, make some rainbows of your own! And then go for a walk to count how many others you can find. If your neighborhood has a Facebook page or uses an app like Nextdoor, you could always post there encouraging others to join you.

Or, go on a rainbow scavenger hunt. Here’s a link to a Rainbow Scavenger Hunt with Clues.

If you’d like to get more creative than just crayons and paper, here are a few suggestions:

Rainbow Paper Craft

Cotton Ball Rainbow Art

Easter Egg Rainbow Craft

Coffee Filter Watercolor Rainbows

Rainbow Sponge Painting

Rainbow Crafts for Kids

Saturday, April 4:

Taking pictures is making memories! Kids love looking at old photos and hearing stories. Dedicate the day to looking at photos and creating new ones! If you don’t have any photos printed, go through those Facebook albums or files on your computer together. If you have printed pics of your own childhood, even better. Talk to them about the memories the photos convey – either stories from your life before they were born, or ask them to tell you what they remember about photos they’re in.

If you have the supplies handy, dedicate the time to scrapbooking together. Or, use an online tool to make a digital scrapbook.

Encourage your kids to take pictures today of what they’ll want to remember about this experience.

Sunday, April 5:

Easter is a week away, and many of us won’t be celebrating with extended family this year. Make Easter cards to mail to your loved ones that you’ll be missing. (If your family doesn’t celebrate, most of these can be considered just spring crafts.)

Easter Handprint Cards

Fun & Easy Easter Cards for Kids

Carrot Nibbling Easter Bunny Card

If you missed our previous list, check it out here. (While we tie activities to the date when we can, there’s no reason you can’t do these activities whenever you want!) 

And here are some extra links/ideas to use any day or EVERY day!

Pick a friend or relative to Facetime every morning! Start each day with some connection and smiles.

50 Inside Activities to Burn Kid’s Energy

50 Plus Indoor Activities for Kids

Fluency & Fitness is offering 21 days of free unlimited access to their site with lessons in reading and math that incorporate movement.

Scholastic Learn at Home – free articles, stories, videos and fun learning challenges

Education Companies Offering Free Subscriptions

Printable Family Chore Chart

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