
By Kara Seymour

Lambertville gardeners will have a chance to show off the fruits of their labor at the 18th annual Hidden Gardens of Lambertville Tour, which is set for June 14 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The tour is hosted by the Kalmia Club, a nonprofit civic women’s organization. It is a chance for residents to get a peek into the many beautiful, yet hidden, gardens around town, event organizer Deborah Galen said.

The Kalmia Club is currently seeking Lambertville residents who would like to include their home gardens on the tour.

“Traditionally they’ve been hidden gardens,” Galen explained. The gardens are “beautifully done,” and many have quirky elements and creative accessories, she added.  This year, the group will be opening up the tour to front gardens as well.

Residents who would like to include their gardens on the tour don’t even have to be there the day of the event, Galen explained. “We have volunteers in the club who will sit in the garden” and welcome guests, she said. Of course, if the homeowner wants to stay they are encouraged to do so.

Typically there are about 10 gardens on the self-guided walking tour.  Anyone interested in having their garden included can contact Galen at dgalen@comcast.net.


Galen said the tour is a unique chance to see gardens that often go unnoticed by the general public. “I don’t think people are necessarily aware of how many backyards there are and they’re usually hidden,” she said.

Proceeds from the Hidden Garden Tour go to support scholarships for girls. Tickets for the tour are $15 in advance and $20 the day of the tour. The tour begins at the Kalmia Clubhouse, 39 York St., Lambertville.

For tickets and photos of previous tours, visit www.kalmiaclub.org or email kalmiaclub@gmail.com.

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