salt cave

Tucked away in rural New Jersey, there is a cave known for it’s healing properties…that is, an alternative therapy solution known as a “Salt Cave” at Body N Balance in Flemington.

Owner Cynthia Orsi has built one of less than a dozen wellness centers in the country to bring the concept of Salt Therapy to the United States at Body N Balance (170 Highway 31 in Flemington). The salt room uses state of the art halo generators to crush Himalayan Crystal salt into small particles for inhalation.  The Himalayan Salt charges the air with negative ions much like what one experiences at the ocean, but with a greater concentration in a more confined space.

Natural salt therapy has been used for decades to treat respiratory and skin problems in Europe and the Middle East. Customers sit or recline to relax in low light within the salt cave for 45 minute sessions, breathing fine salt aerosol. Believers in the remedy have used sessions to treat stress and respiratory ailments like asthmas, COPD, and sinusitis.   The cost is $65 for a 45-minute session or $350 for one month or 12 visits over one year.



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