hiking in hunterdon

Gaetano De Sapio’s inspiration for the new group- his grandkids!

When Gaetano De Sapio put up a Facebook group for “Hiking in Hunterdon” earlier this week, he didn’t realize he was striking a much-needed chord within the community. In just a couple of days, over 250 locals have enthusiastically joined in the discussion.

What inspired Gaetano to start a page all about hiking?

“The inspiration for the Group was my grandchildren. When I was growing up in Hunterdon in the 1950’s our hikes were through the farms fields and woods in and around our farm. Hunterdon has changed and public and non-profit conservation efforts have resulted in the development of a series of great hiking trails. I wanted to become aware of them to walk with my grandchildren and appreciate the beauties of nature. I started the page so people could share their experiences with us all so we can find them together.”

And Hunterdon-ites are respnding!

“When I was doing some internet searching on hiking in Hunterdon, I could not find any Facebook page speciafically on the topic. So I decided to create one to share my own discoveries and hope that people would share their own. In the first 24 hours we have over 250 members. Many of them actively shared their favotie hikes in Hunterdon and one member already has invited people to a group hike.”

Check out Gaetano’s map with 3 of his favorite local trails here and join in the conversation on Facebook.

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