The Happening List®, our signature competition, has been white-hot with voting this year.  Voting kicked off back in mid January, and on February 28th at midnight, voting will close.  It’s been a great year for the Happening List, with 2,201 nominees across 276 categories.

If you haven’t voted yet, there is still time!  Head over to and vote to support your favorite local businesses.  You can also vote in the Happening List in Montco Happening, Philly Happening & Bucks Happening!

So what happens next?

Next comes our part.  We take all of the votes and complete an extensive audit (we see you…).  For more information about the audit, click here. Then, we will put together a release schedule to let everyone who has won!

For winners and finalists, awards are available, as well as additional promotional materials.  The public is invited to attend our Happening List Red Carpet Bash that celebrates the winners and finalists.  More information soon…!

We Are Supported By:

TheRailAP23 PrologueTherapyAP23

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